Presentation - The Remains Of The Sándor Maison Mihaileni
The remains of the Sándor Mansion are also attested in the village (Being mentioned in the 16th century) (along the Rákos Stream). The ruins of this mansion are considered monument, figuring in the official register of Hargita County as an archaeological reservation. Allegedly, the Szekler Chronicle of Csík was written here in 1533. The first hand-copy of it was sent to Aranka György by Farkas Nepomuk János from Csíksomlyó in 1796. It was first printed in 1818. Our novelist Jókai Mór also mentions it in his novel entitled Bálványosvár. A number of people, among them Szabó Károly and Orbán Balázs have taken it seriously. However, Jerney Károly and Nagy Géza denounced it as a swindle, a hoax, a forgery. Scientific researchers, due to the influence Szádecky Lajos did not take the chronicle as an authoritative document the chronicle and from 1905 on have not taken it any more as a „mysterious national value”.
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